The HI98331 features a stainless steel penetration electrode that provides the ability to take direct measurements in soil. When calibration is needed, simply submerge the electrode tip into calibration solution and and enter calibration mode for automatic 1 point calibration.
Electrolytic conductivity, abbreviated as EC, is a measurement made in which electrical charges of particles in a medium are moved under the influence of a potential difference. EC is a measure of concentration, however, it is non-specic for ion type. An ion is a charged particle present in the solution that contributes to the current flow. Ions are formed when a salt such as sodium chloride is dissolved in water to form particles having electrical charges. Sodium chloride, separates into Na+ and Cl–
Electrical conductance, the ability of a substance to conduct an electrical current is the reciprocal of electrical resistance. “Conductance” and “Resistance” depend on the geometrical dimensions of the substance being measured. Conductivity and resistivity are “normalized” terms that are used to denote a bulk intrinsic property of a substance. This is the measurement a standardized EC probe on a Conductivity or resistivity meter provides. Conductivity measurements can be used to provide additional industry specific measurements; TDS, Salinity and USP compliant conductivity. Many of Hanna’s meters provide these measurements also.
Features at-a-glance:
One-point calibration
- Automatic calibration to 1413 µS/cm conductivity standard
Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC)
- Samples automatically compensated for temperature variations
- Uses a fixed 2%/℃ temperature correction coefficient
Stainless steel penetration electrode
- Allows for direct measurement in soil