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Silica Chemical Test Kit - HI38067


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The HI38067 is a chemical test kit that uses the heteropoly blue method to measure silica. The HI38067 is supplied complete with all of the reagents and equipment necessary to perform approximately 100 tests.

  • Pre-made reagents for ease of use
  • All reagents marked with expiration date and lot number for traceability
  • Checker® disc for more accurate determination


The HI38067 is a chemical test kit that determines the silica concentration in two ranges: 0 to 40 mg/L and 0 to 800 mg/L. The HI38067 is supplied with all of the necessary reagents and equipment to perform the analysis. The test kit contains enough reagents for perform approximately 100 tests.

Features at-a-glance

  • Complete setup
    • All required materials are included with the test kit, such as the glass vials, plastic pipette, reagent bottles and packets, and Checker® disc.
  • High resolution
    • Readings from 0 to 40 mg/L are determined to 1 mg/L resolution.
    • Readings from 0 to 800 mg/L are determined to 40 mg/L resolution.
  • Replacement reagents available
    • There is no need to buy a new kit when reagents are exhausted. The HI38067-100 can be ordered to replace the reagents supplied with the kit.

Significance of Use

Silica is found in all natural waters in the dissolved mineral form. Silica is only slightly soluble in water and can be found as ionic silica, silicates, or colloidal or suspended particles. The solubility of silica is highly dependent on pH, temperature and pressure. Silica’s presence in industrial applications, particularly high pressure turbines, is undesirable because of the scaling caused by the elevated temperature and pressure. Heating systems and reverse osmosis plants also require monitoring of silica to ensure process efficiency.

Additional information

Weight 0.73 kg



SKU HI38067
Name Silica Chemical Test Kit – HI38067
Silica Measurement Type Checker Disc
Silica Range 0 to 40 mg/L (ppm) SiO₂; 0 to 800 mg/L (ppm) SiO₂
Silica Resolution 1 mg/L (0 to 40 mg/L range); 40 mg/L (0 to 800 mg/L range)
Silica Method heteropoly blue
Silica Number of Test 100
Weight 712.5 g (25.1 oz)
Dimensions 235x175x115 mm (9.2×6.9×4.5 in.)

Ordering Info

HI38067 test kit comes with 25 mL silica reagent A, 100 packets silica reagent B, 100 packets silica reagent C, demineralizer bottle with filter cap for 12 L, checker disc, glass vials with caps (2), 3 mL plastic pipette, and 1 mL syringe with tip.


Silica Chemical Test Kit – HI38067