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Maple Syrup Digital Grader - HI759


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Hanna’s Maple Syrup Digital Grader bridges the gap between visual grading kits and professional instrumentation. Temporary maple syrup grading kits provide minimal accuracy and resolution since they rely upon the human eye to discern differences in color. Professional instrumentation incorporates a light source such as an LED or tungsten lamp with a filter and a light sensing detector to precisely determine the percent light transmittance. Professional instrumentation offers greater resolution and accuracy but can cost hundreds of dollars. The HI759 Maple Syrup Digital Grader uses a fixed wavelength LED and silicon photo detector to provide the accuracy of professional instrumentation at an affordable price.

  • Compact, portable design
  • Calibrates 100% transmittance with glycerol reference
  • Simple, one-button operation


The season of maple syrup production spans several months between winter and spring each year. As the days get warmer and the nights stay below freezing, the sap from maple trees begins to flow and tapping begins. At the beginning of production season, the sap produces a lighter, sweeter syrup comprised of sucrose as the main sugar content. As the season progresses and temperatures rise, microorganisms grow and colonize the sap as it is collected. These bacteria, while not harmful, convert part of the sucrose present into invert sugars, glucose and fructose. The level of invert sugars in the sap, as well as the chemical processes that occur during boiling, are responsible for creating a darker and stronger flavored syrup product.

Maple syrup grading standards for the United States and Canada are identical, allowing consumers to easily distinguish between the different grades of syrup, regardless of the place of origin. Grade A maple syrup is classified into four distinct categories:

Maple Table

The HI759 Maple Syrup Digital Grader is a handheld colorimeter designed for quick, accurate determination of Grade A maple syrup. The HI759 is designed as a more accurate alternative to temporary and permanent visual grading kits, providing quick, accurate results in four easy steps.

Step One – Add a sample to the included cuvette(s). Step Two – Insert the glycerol reference cuvette, close the lid, and press the button to zero. Step Three – Remove the glycerol reference cuvette and replace with a sample cuvette. Step Four– Close the lid and press the button. Reading will be taken automatically and the results displayed in percent light transmittance.

This Maple Syrup Digital Grader measures the light transmittance of the syrup and directly displays the percentage results on the large, easy to read LCD display. Located on the back of the meter is a chart referencing the percent light transmittance to the grade. Eliminating the subjectivity of grading by eye and the potential for mislabeling, the HI759 is grading made simple.

Features at-a-glance:

  • Easier to use and more accurate than visual grading kits
  • Small size, big convenience
  • Ideal for maple syrup producers and packers
