
Built-in Microchip
The built-in microchip stores sensor type, serial number and calibration information including date, time, and calibration points. This information is automatically retrieved by HI98199 once the probe is plugged in. The ability to transfer information allows for hot swapping of probes without recalibrating. All DO measurements are performed within the probe and transferred digitally to the meter.

Galvanic Technology
The galvanic technology is a passive from of measurement is that the probe generates a voltage spontaneously based on the dissolved oxygen concentration that passes through the membrane and reacts with the fill solution. There is no warm up time with galvanic probes since the reaction is taken place continuously.

Replaceable Membranes
With screw-on caps, the DO HDPE membrane is easy to replace for faster maintenance.

Built-in Temperature Sensor
DO measurements are automatically compensated for temperature changes

Quick Connect Din Connector
With screw-on caps, the DO HDPE membrane is easy to replace for faster maintenance.